Landscape Photographer from Austria | Prints - Workshops - Gallery - Photography Artist

Landscape Photographer from Austria | Prints - Workshops - Gallery - Photography Artist
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Landscape Photographer from Austria | Prints - Workshops - Gallery - Photography Artist
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Weather Alert System for Photographers:
Landscape Photographer from Austria | Prints - Workshops - Gallery - Photography Artist Landscape Photographer from Austria | Prints - Workshops - Gallery - Photography Artist
Title:     E-Book "Weather Planning Like a Pro"
Make your own weather forecasts!
39.00 €
incl. 20% VAT


"The best composition gets worthless when there is no mood conveyed".
Christian Irmler

Light is one of the most important elements in photography, and especially in outdoor photography, such as landscape photography, seascape photography, astro photography, or cityscape photography, it is exactly the weather that makes the light.


Not a Question of Luck!

Getting the perfect light for a photograph does not have anything to do with luck. The perfect light is predictable!

On 54 pages you will not only learn, which tools pro landscape photographers use to plan their weather, you will also learn how to use weather maps to predict different weather phenomena in a very safe way for getting stunning photographs.


Make Your Own Weather Forecasts

Besides lots of weather basics to understand how the weather works, you will be able to predict red sky, golden clouds, blue hour with orange stripe, the belt of venus, or the pink stripe, for instance. You will simply learn how to make your own weather forecasts, how to predict fog in a very safe way, atmospheric softness, and even how to predict the shape of clouds!


Bring Your Photography to the Next Level

The weather has the biggest impact on a landscape image, which can't even be compensated by a strong composition. Being able to predict my own weather was a big game-changer in my photography. And you are also able to do so!

Note: This ebook can be downloaded from your customer area straight after you have placed your order!

Notice for orders outside EU:
The price doesn't contain any customs and taxes, which could occur due the import into your country.

Landscape Photographer from Austria | Prints - Workshops - Gallery - Photography Artist


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Landscape Photographer & Photography Artist

Generations after Gustav Klimt

"Reality is boring, there exists already enough outside of my images."

Christian Irmler - great-great grandnephew of Gustav Klimt (6th degree)


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