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Weather Alert System for Photographers:

Avoid Distractions to get Better Photos


#1 Composition

A very obvious area in photography where you find distractions are your compositions. Try to avoid all forms of distractions in your frame. Check for overlapping lines, check for messy areas in the photo, check for all elements which don't add to the story you want to tell with your photograph.


#2 Photography Rules

You are out on location and want to photograph an amazing landscape. Should you take the horizon into the third or should you rather use the golden ratio? Is enough space between the elements in the photo, is the viewer lead through a fantastic flow?

It is not unimportant to think about the geometry of a photo, but too many questions like these can annoyingly distract you from the most important questions in composition: Why do you want to photograph your subject? Which emotions do you want to evoke, which story do you want to tell? I guarant you: Everything else will be answered automatically.


#3 Photography Gear

Gear is not the most important thing in photography. You can take amazing photos with any camera. But you should really know how to use your gear - your camera, your lenses, your filters. You should know which aperture to use, which shutterspeed to use, what is the smallest possible aperture on each of your lenses?


#4 Other People - Non Photographers

Landscape Photographers are social humans, but walking in the nature with other people could distract from concentrating to the photographic eye to find a composition, especially when the other people are no photographers and they talk with you maybe about totally other topics which have nothing to do with landscape photography.

What I do is, that I spend quality time with the person I'm out, but then I take maybe an hour or two to concentrate 100% to my photography. My wife is often out in the nature with me and for this time span I have my photography head on, she reads a book.


#5 Lack of Time

One of the most distracting things in landscape photography occures when you don't have planned enough time. If you always have to look at your watch, you can't concentrate to see photographical - you will not find great composition, you will not be able to visualize the scene in other conditions, maybe other weather and other light. You will even oversee things which you usually would have seen. Always plan enough time for your photography - and enjoy it. This is one of the most important ingredients to get out a masterpiece in your landscape photography.


Check out my gear, which I use for my landscape photography:

My Landscape Photography Gear


Nice greetings,


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Landscape Photographer & Photography Artist

Generations after Gustav Klimt

"Reality is boring, there exists already enough outside of my images."

Christian Irmler - great-great grandnephew of Gustav Klimt (6th degree)


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