E-Book "COMPOSITION for Photography"

"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept".
Ansel Adams
Especially when we want to bring our photography to art, we realize that we need a concept to breath life into our photographs. We want them to say something, to tell a story. Rules like the rule of thirds, golden ratio, or holding the horizon straight, are fantastic carrying wheels in the very beginning of a photographer's journey. But with time, you come to a point where your development as a photographer gets even blocked by things like that. This is the time when a photographer should think about putting his carrying wheels away. It is the time when this ebook will open him new dimensions for his photography.
Contains The Best Tips About Composition
As I come from an artistry family, my parent's house was regulary plastered with paintings. Since I was a young boy, the daily table talks were all about how to bring a viewer into an image, how to hold him as long as possible inside it, how to get control over his eyes and how to get him back to the image later. Ultimately, how to make him loving the image. I engage already my whole life with composition. For this ebook I picked out the best tips from more than 30 years of experience in photography, but from more than 40 years of experience in composition. You find a lot of examples, mostly with landscape photographs. But photographers of each genre of photography and even painters will profit from these composition tips, as well.
Your Compact Composition Reference on Location
As I'm convinced that composition is absolutely important, I give a lot of composition tips in my YouTube videos, as well. This ebook is meant as a compact composition guide and reference. It is in PDF format, so that it should be easy for you to take it with you to location with your phone, and it will even be available for you when there is no internet connection. So, whenever you struggle with building up a composition or if you want to get your composition better, you have a compact reference with you.
On 21 pages you get revealed the 10 most important methods of achieving a compelling composition, you will learn about the goal of composition, the right or wrong in composition, and what to consider out in the field to get your composition even better.
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